Thursday, July 30, 2009

the hippie thing

am freaking out, making new patterns daily.

change your heart - look around you

blessed are the forgetful, for they get the better even of their blunders

"You can't be ugly! Be pretty!"

Wednesday, July 29, 2009


dummies, that's our way of paying tribute to the fantastic tool adobe photoshop is... isn't it fabulous?

free yet?

Thursday, July 23, 2009

typographical chaos

another attempt to show chaos in our lives



Wednesday, July 22, 2009


are love and lust overrated?

Lust is to the other passions what the nervous fluid is to life; it supports them all, lends strength to them all ambition, cruelty, avarice, revenge, are all founded on lust.
Marquis De Sade


life slows down a little with every cup of tea

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

we will be alright

holding hands is out dated ...

Monday, July 20, 2009

corporate life

time to get out of the square

girl, bird and kite

Walter Cronkite

The Arnsberg Miracle Tree

In 2001, Dutch performance artist Iepe B. T. Rubingh — better known as IEPE — erected an elaborate installation titled “The Berlin Miracle” in the German city’s Hackescher Market. The installation centered around a tree rooted in the center of the busy market, one that residents and commuters passed each day. But out of nowhere, the tree began to pour rain from it leaves and branches. One of the passersby in the video linked above says it best:

"I think it’s peculiar and amusing, because usually you stand under a tree to shelter yourself from rain. And now it’s raining under the tree and you seek shelter in the open. So in actual fact it’s a paradox of sorts.”

Read full story


Sunday, July 19, 2009

romancing the wall

Called a potential boyfriend…thinking of having some romantic conversation…and instead it gets dull so dull...

So I spend time putting up paintings (print outs) of my favorite artists.

I romanced my time alone.


Friday, July 17, 2009


M+ P says
"I love the rain that falls in our lives
I love the feelings that each storm provides"

sunday pattern

Tuesday, July 14, 2009


Last night just when I was about to draw my favorite angry girls electricity goes off…

Sunday, July 12, 2009

iridescent rani pink - violet - blue - green plumage

" I have put my heart and soul into my work and have lost my mind in the process"
~Vincent Van Gogh

Friday, July 10, 2009

leaf pattern

One rainy day trip on the hills, I had to click the picture of this leaf. It was half eaten but the worms left a beautiful pattern behind. Rain makes nature look more beautiful. It does wonderful things to colour. Everything appears so bright and serene even with the dark clouds in the sky.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

about a leaf

Summer came to an end
How do I know? Here comes the wind.
All the leaves are falling down...
Rain, silver and clean comes calling.
I can see the branches
Twist and bend.
I am just a leaf
And I shouldn't mind...
But once off my tree
It's so hard to find...
Somewhere else to call my home...
I feel so alone...
Guess I can just go and rest
By the great mountain of stone.
Autumn is my favorite time of year
Because I am admired and I turn to gold.
And since summer's so hot and I dry up fast,
I prefer the cold.
I love the rain as it patters upon my tree,
And when the wind uproots me
I sail free!
I can roll along the meadows
Or slip down along the street,
Stay around long enough
To hear the autumn rain's beat.
What becomes of me
At autumn's untimely end?
I fly away, fly away
Awhirl in autumn's wind!

~Penni Lynn Smith Weston

one afternoon...when three friends met

feel good food gone bad, feel bad feelings gone good

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

a refreshing sunday night

Lemon Strawberry Absolut

Lemonade, Strawberry Concentrate, Fresh Strawberry pieces, Absolut Vodka
Mix all ingredients in a glass. Drink away to glory.

enchanting folk art

Its funny to notice how they enjoy the attention they get from people.

While i hide in my little hole they always entertain me by coming to my shop often.

In this art they dress up like gods, animals and play lovely music. Once a man dressed as a cat visited me. He did a cat dance form and also made all the noises of a cat which I thought was amazing.

These days they dress up like police, whistle and scream "they whistle and say chala me arrest karayala aloo ahe!!"(in marathi)

I still prefer the lovely cat and tiger. Its enchanting.


we are socially pink

pink gummies wrapping paper

pink lipbalm

pink purse

pink office folder

office stuff
S+B says
"we believe if you use colour pink items in your daily life .. it will lead to world peace"

Monday, July 6, 2009

sunshine for the rainy days

M+P says
" I painted this umbrella for a gentleman
He wanted to me make a strap to the umbrella
so he could have his hands free
He called it the hands free umbrella"