On one of our outings to a pub we wondered about bar stools and their existence.
The pub was extremely crowded and after standing for a long time we saw two bar stools free and ran to grab it. As we pushed and nudged people around us to make our asses comfortable on the stool… we had the same thought running in our minds – what the hell? Why bar stool? Instead of a relaxing Saturday night we were only discussing how uncomfortable we were and drank our drinks in a hurry and ran out for a long drive.
Points to ponder-
Who invented bar stools?
Why dont they have back rests?
What if someone gets too drunk and falls off?
Why are they so narrow?
If you have a big ass, you know how uncomfortable it can be.
Why are they so tall? There is a leg rest but one has to do a balancing act to adjust. On top of all that it rotates. OH COME ON!
A lot people love the idea of having bar stools at home. Are they kidding?
Was it made so that people quickly finished their drinks and moved on?
If there was a cute bartender one would have managed to wait for as long as they could and admire them. But we never see one.
Our poll results: 9 out of 10 people hate bar stools!
Etc, Etc
There was once a boy. Everyone said he was mad. He was keen on reading our blog. He read it and wrote a joke about a pilot who was high.
Totally agree